How to Build LeadsThrough Facebook Lead Ads | Flight Digital Media

How to Build LeadsThrough Facebook Lead Ads

2 min read | Uncategorized

Gaining valuable business leads is all about building a relationship with your target audience. What better way to build trust with your target audience than to give them something highly valuable in return for something as simple as their email address?

Lead generation allows you to attract leads into your sales funnel so that you can communicate with them more effectively, nurture those leads and ultimately drive more sales. Facebook offers advertisers the ability to obtain valuable leads through their lead ads.


What are Facebook lead ads?

A Facebook lead ad is an ad with a call to action that leads people to fill out a form, allowing you to gather important lead information, such as email addresses, phone numbers or interests.


Getting started with lead ads

  • Decide on an offer

To set up a Facebook lead ad, firstly you need a lead magnet. A lead magnet is the offer you give to people in return for their information. For example, you may want to offer your audience a free eBook, a discount on your product or service, or a free trial for your service in return for their name, email address and interests.


  • Build a killer contact form

Make sure your contact form is simple, quick to fill out and that there are no distractions on the page like external links or multiple calls to action which might confuse your user.


  • Be specific with your targeting

The more specific you are with your targeting, the cheaper your ads will be. You may want to begin by retargeting your website visitors. After all, these people have already show in interest in your brand and are therefore more likely to convert. You may also may want to exclude people who have already converted, or push them through to the next stage of your sales process by showing them a different type of ad.


  • Create ads which will convert

To maximise your leads, make sure your creative is highly targeted to your audience. Your ads should be visually engaging and should solve a specific problem for your audience. You may want to create a sense of urgency within your ads, for example “Sign up today, and receive a 10% discount on your next purchase”. For the best results, play around with different text and visuals and test which ones achieve the most conversions.


  • Track your results

Add a Facebook pixel to your conversion or ‘thank you’ page to track how many conversions you’re achieving from your contact form. Experiment with different types of ads so that you can finetune for future campaigns.


If you would like more advice on how to run your next Facebook lead ad campaign, talk to an advertising expert at Flight Digital today.

David Hernandez

David is a business minded,easy going individual with a passion for digital marketing.In the past,he has used to expertise to develop marketing strategies and manage digital marketing budgets up to $3 million per year for world class clients including Hyundai, Kia, and Bunnings.Now the founder and director of Flight Digital Media,David enjoys helping companies of all sizes boost sales and increase revenue using powerful,self developed marketing strategies.

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